Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Balance Yourself: The Yin and Yang of Life with Music, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

My astrological sign is Gemini.  And I have lived my life as a Gemini, almost like being two of me inside one body.  One of my characteristics is that I am always quite busy, and that's a reason I blog on JadeBlogger, but rarely on this blog.  Busy, busy, busy, but always take time in the morning for yoga, taiji, qigong and meditation.

I prefer natural therapies to big pharma medicines.  With chronic pain from fibromyalgia, restless leg, getting up in the morning is painful and difficult.  I often wonder how I will get through the morning doing what I want to do, let alone how to get through the entire day.  I have found that my "placebo" of using cognitive behavior therapy for pain and depression works much better and faster than drugs.  In the mornings when I'm getting ready for the day, I play my Pandora radio "Queen" station because it has the right kind of music for me to sing along, and dance along with to loosen up.  When the smile is on my face, I know I am ready to face the day. My "theme song" is Stealer's Wheels "Stuck in the Middle with You".  The smile stays on my face and inside of me when I know there are "clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right" and I am content with being "stuck in the middle" with my loved one.

That's the "yang" part of what I need.

The "yin" part is the Pandora radio station Yoga or Meditation.  "Gratitude and Joy" is what I need and I get it listening to one or more of the parts.

In the early evening, as the sun sets, I go outdoors and walk 1-2 miles.  That is my cognitive behavioral "mood lifter".  The sky, trees, lake are so awesome and beautiful, my spirits are lifted and again, the smile is external and internal. 

Cognitive behavioral therapy is how you can re-think a situation, and use your brain to determine what you need to improve your life.  Like a placebo that has no real medicinal value, but you feel better after taking it, using your "brain placebo" can help you to feel better, body mind and spirit.

Jade as my business gives me access to all the yin and yang and good qi energy by working with, touching, holding jade.   Chinese medicine often uses Chinese "river jade" as a health tool to help balance your qi energy.   The "river jade" has colors that form naturally from water where the jade was formed.  And it relates to the colors of the five meridians of you that need to be balanced and have your qi flowing smoothly.  I choose the jade bangle bracelet that has the qi energy I need most. 

How do you find the best jade for you?  When you browse the jade photos, the ones that appeal to you most, perhaps even make you drool a little while you look at it are the ones that are "medicine" for you.

"Yin and Yang" light and dark color Chinese "river jade" is medicine you wear on your wristGreen for overall health and wellness, and veins of "hong" yellow/red for heart, spleen meridians

And who wouldn't prefer to wear "medicine on your wrist" rather than take a drug with side effects.

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