If you think acupuncture would help your health, wellness and medical problems, but cannot get "real" acupuncture, a Chinese jade acu-roller is a helpful alternative.
Ying Yu Jade rollers are made from traditional genuine and natural Chinese jade that has been used for centuries for health, healing, wellness. The "needles" are carved to tradition Chinese medicine standards.
You can search online for the acupuncture points related to your problem. Then find a chart to locate them. Then use the acu-roller to slowly, with firmness, roll over the areas. Always roll from "top to bottom", one way. If you have nerve problems, you can have someone helpful us it on your back, spine, from top to bottom of spine.
You can also use it for wellness. I use my jade acu-roller daily, starting at my shoulders, neck, upper arms, and use pressure that "feels right". This stimulates at acu-points and keeps them in good condition.
Also, jade itself has been used in Chinese medicine for centuries, because of the healing Qi energy.
Ying Yu Jade also sells regular jade rollers, small-medium-large, and "acu-rings" to use on your hand.
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