Monday, September 26, 2016

Ying Yu Jade Roller Sale - Best Jade Roller for Face and Body and What Jade Roller is Best to Use

Earlier this month I had a nagging thought to purchase additional jade rollers for inventory.  I had enough for the holiday season, and planned to order more prior to Chinese New Year.  But I gave in to the nagging, and purchased almost as many jade rollers as are in inventory, small, medium and jade rollers with two sizes one on each end.

Ying Yu Jade Rollers

As soon as they arrived, I was surprised to get 2-3 times more orders for jade rollers than usual.  A fashion magazine had post a page about jade rollers being a natural and "miracle worker" for face and wrinkles. The jade roller that was featured was a jade roller that our jade carver supplied to their company, but the price was twice what Ying Yu Jade web site charges when it is full price. 

Jade rollers truly are "miracle workers" for your face and body.  Your face skin, muscles and tissue don't get much of a workout, and stimulation is what helps improve your facial appearance.  The jade roller moves the blood, tissue and stimulates the muscles.  Jade rollers break down the fascia which gives you a smoother appearance.  And stimulating areas of wrinkles and lines helps to smooth them by supplying more blood and energy.

So what kind of jade roller is best to use?  For your face, the size of the small jade roller is perfect.  It moves easily and stimulates the small areas of the face.  The jade double roller has a small roller on one end and larger on the other end to use on your neck and body.  The jade rollers are hand made by our jade carver in China.  The metal roller holder is adjustable so you it will roll smoothly or with slightly more pressure.  The small, medium and larger jade rollers are not designed for heavy duty body work, but the acu roller and practitioners model can be used with more pressure from your had.  If the roller falls out of the metal holder, simply put it between the metal parts and squeeze lightly until it rolls the way you want.

The jade stone is genuine Chinese jade that has been used for centuries by Chinese doctors and people who use jade rollers like over-the-counter medicine for aches, pains, and general health use.  Jade is stone, stone is not "perfect" and Ying Yu Jade roller are smooth and polished.  You might see lines in the jade stone, but that's natural.  The jade rollers that have cracks or chips are listed in the Clearance Collection.

Visit the Ying Yu Jade web site for more information and a video about jade rollers and their use. 

And since I orders more inventory of jade rollers, I can offer a lower price for a limited time. Most have a sale price now.  As a Calm Spirit Blog reader, you can get an additonal 10% discount on jade rollers, even those already on sale, if your purchase is for $50 or more.  Use coupon code   ROLLER10   which will be valid while the extra inventory is available.

Ying Yu Jade Rollers - traditional jade rollers made by hand for YYJ and ship from Florida, USA so you get your purchase fast.